Curious about our travel experiences and eating gluten-free in Slovenia? Then read our gluten-free restaurant city guides!
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I would absolutely recommend travelling with a Slovenian Gluten Free Restaurant Card to make gluten free travel easier. Language barriers can be one of the biggest challenges when traveling – especially when you are following a gluten-free diet. Down below you can also find some Slovenian basics. The Slovene Coeliac organization is called Slovenia drustvo za Celiakijo (no English).
Gluten free travel can be hard and stressful. With some simple tricks you can make gluten-free travelling a lot easier. I mostly invest in a good gluten free restaurant card that mentions cross-contamination.
Also do some research ahead of time, for example read into possible gluten-free restaurants or dishes that are local and likely to be gluten-free. With the use of a gluten-free restaurant card that mentions cross-contamination you are well prepared.
Gluten-free in Slovenia: supermarkets & co.
There are several places to buy gluten-free ingredients, from local supermarkets to bigger chain stores and organic shops. Most stores have a dedicated gluten free product section. Some known gluten-free brands which you will most likely find are Glutano, Schar and Orgran.
- Interspar – supermarket
- Mercator – supermarket
- Tuš – supermarket
- Lidl – discount supermarket
- Hofer (Slovene version of Aldi) – discount supermarket
- DM – drugstore chain
Slovenian phrasebook
gluten-free products | Brezglutenske izdelke |
barley | Ječmen |
wheat / (modified) wheat starch | Pšenica / (Modificiran) Pšenični škrob |
spelt | Pira |
oats | Oves |
rye | Rž |
kamut | Kamut |
I suffer from an illness called coeliac disease and have to follow a strict gluten free diet, or I may become very unwell. | Imam bolezen celiakijo in se moram držati stroge brezglutenske diete. V nasprotnem primeru lahko imam resne težave. |
Any contact with products containing gluten and grains should therefore be avoided. | Skratka, izogibati se mora hrani z vsebnostjo glutena in žitaricam. |
I cannot eat any foods containing flours or grains of wheat, rye, barley or oats, for example soy sauce, pasta, semolina, bread, cakes and pastries. | Ne smem jesti nobene jedi, ki vsebuje moko ali zrna pšenice, rža, ječmena in ovsa. kot npr sojine omake, testenin, pšeničnega zdroba, kruha, tort in ostalega peciva. |
As long as no wheat, rye, barley or oats are used in their preparation, I can eat all kinds of fruit, vegetables (including potatoes), meat, fish and rice. | Če v pripravi jedi niso uporabljena naslednja žita pšenica, rž, ječmen in oves, potem lahko uživam vse vrste sadja, zelenjave (tudi krompir), meso, ribe, in riž. |