The 5 best gluten-free guides of 2020
Here are the five best gluten free guides of 2020, according to page views!
It was a crazy year, with unfortunately not much travelling, nevertheless I had more time to write for this blog and post travel and gluten-free restaurant experiences. Hopefully this year will be better and we’ll all be able to travel again this year.
These are the top five gluten free guides published on the blog that you loved most this year.
The 5 best gluten free guides of 2020
Here they are, from #5 through #1. For each individual guide, click the link for the full guide and all its details.
#5 – Gluten-free Guide Málaga, Spain
Málaga is a beautiful city and Spain and takes number 5 in most visited guides in 2020. Spain is a great destination if you follow a gluten-free diet. Read all our gluten-free restaurant experiences for Málaga, Spain now.
#4 – Gluten-free Guide Hamburg, Germany
Numver 4 on this list is the gluten-free guide for Hamburg. I visited Hamburg in Germany multiple times this year and updated the guide accordingly. Read about it now!
#3 – Gluten-free Guide Munich, Germany
Munich is the capital city of the Bavaria Region in south-east Germany. Some great gluten-free restaurants can be found in Munich, Germany.
#2 – Gluten-free Guide the Netherlands
Number 2 on this list is the guide to gluten-free in the Netherlands. In the guide I collected all gluten-free restaurant experiences collected throughout the year in the Netherlands. It lists an overview of all visited cities and its restaurant experiences.
#1 – Gluten-free Guide Germany
This guide was by far the most visited this year. In this guide I collected all my gluten-free restaurant experiences for Germany together. With this overview, listing all gluten-free city guides for Germany, I hope I can make gluten-free travel planning a bit easier for you!
Thank you for your support and visiting my blog!